Sunday, April 27, 2008

26 April 08 Market in Avallon; Bushfire in Tonimbuk

Saturday morning is market day in Avallon. We usually stroll around for an hour or so if we have nothing else on. Inevitably we buy more than we intend but it all gets eaten.

It was a larger than usual market today because it was also a fair day. The difference escapes me but there were certainly more stalls than usual.
Caught up with Gerald for a chat and drink in Le Marechaux. He is greeted as a regular (he is!) and Madame brings his coffee without an order being placed.

Our morning calm is disturbed by a call from Justin. He is en route from Adelaide where he played last night to Bendigo where they are playing tonight. He had just heard from our friend Graham that there is a large bushfire in Bunyip state park. Seven miles south of Gembrook and heading for Tonimbuk. 50 fire trucks and some 200 fire fighters.

A concern but a long time ago we realised that these things happen and there is nothing we can do from this side of the world so worrying won’t help.

Ring our neighbours Joy and Andrew as soon as we get home. It has evidently been going for two days and getting worse. Came within 1.5 km of some houses but wind has now turned it away from Tonimbuk. Rain on the way may also help.

Found the latest news on the Age website and from the bushfire information line. Non Melbourne readers may want to cut and paste this link into their browser for full report---

Sorry clicking it will not work (for the technically minded Hyperlink does not work on this site using Safari!!!)

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