Tuesday, April 15, 2008

15 April 08 ---Reflections on Japan

Writing this en route from Osaka to Helsinki.

Well our Japan adventure is over for this year- and Brenda is busy looking at map of Helsinki planning our time there.

But first some thoughts on Japan.

• Again a very enjoyable, busy but relaxing stay
• Found our way around with ease; feel totally at home.
• Despite the friendliness the Japanese remain an enigma.
• Everyone so quick to offer help. We must have looked as if we needed it!!
• But how can a nation so friendly have committed such atrocities?
• It must be a terribly disciplined society- but one sees no very evident signs of it
• Not true railway guards, drivers, bus drivers etc all act as per rote. Presumably this permeates everywhere?
• No obvious signs of police presence- apart from traffic direction.
• No armed forces on the streets. Not surprising since they have no army!!
• One must question the Japanese rewriting of history
• But again one must revisit ones knowledge (or lack of it)

Finally- a new type of chocolate- a mixture of Kit Kat and Green Tea

And now for Helsinki!!!

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