Brother Gerald came with us to Lac des Setans. A pleasant drive down through the Morvan and everything so green. The lake still had a wintry look. Most of the pontoons are still out of the water. They have a lot of work to do before the port opens next week and the boats go in the water Yes we call it a port although in fact it is just a small bay with a number of pontoons and some boats at moorings.
On the other side of the lake at the sailing school there were a number of small cats on the water with young people sailing. They seemed o be enjoying themselves but it must have been cold.
Then to M Sacquet’s arm. He was out when we arrived but his wife (?)(companion!!) was welcoming. Interested in Australia and us but very rural, very French her ro0ts are firmly in the soil here. She talks at length about the French not being great travellers. We were also treated to the history of her extended family….. and M Sacquet’s for good measure.
And Ouki Va? I had had fears of her being covered in cow muck, bird droppings with covering torn away by curious beasts. Fortunately no. She was as snug and clean under her tarpaulin as Brenda and I had left her last Sepember.
There were some young calves in the same shed but securely fenced off from the boat.
M Saquet arrived as we were leaving. His wife had told us he was 71 and retired but he had spent the day planting “Sapins de Noel” i.e. Christmas trees. He has some 60,000 on his hillside. Some retirement!!!
Jaan and Bruce would have found our afternoon interesting. We know they have planted lots of trees for protection at Labertouche- but 60,000. A hard way to diversify!
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